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Monday, 8. July 2002
Reading.... Reading....and more reading.
This week I set out to complete assignments from week three and hopefully begin the research for week 4. The assignments for week 4 involved a lot of researching and evaluating the information we find. I searched all kinds of avenues for compiling the information I wanted to include in my project. This was to fulfill the planning part of my project. I come up with all these ideas of what I could include and then get frustrated in the process of trying to organize them. I need to come up with a plan for my plan. If that makes sense. I am experiencing that learning frustration thing. I spent a lot of time this week just reading other peoples inputs and assignments. I didnt respond like I normally do. I sort of played the silent lurker role. It seems a lot of people are moving right along with their projects. I still feel stuck in the decision of the essential question. I keep reading more and more information and wondering if I should change the route I was on. I know I want to research what I am interested in within the speech therapy profession. I know that the most important to me right now is getting more clarification on alzheimers. But I dont want to share the same output of information as Andrea. I tried to put a different twist on my essential question but it still pertains to the same information as her essential question. I thought about discussing more of the caregivers role and relationship with the speech therapist who provides therapy for their loved one. It's difficult to narrow it down. I'm still working on that frustration. Also this week I spent time with people I dont get to normally spend time with. The elderly lady that lives next door to me, is always asking me to spend time with her. I hate when I have to say I am busy. This week I made time. She lost her husband a couple of years ago and they had always created such a wonderful garden. So I spent time walking through her garden while she explained every detail. I also spent time with my best friend and her 17 month old. Her daughter and I made dinner if you can believe that. She is a very smart 17 month old. Her daddy is the owner and chef at the restaurant where I work, so she gets lots of time practicing in the kitchen when he cooks at home. I also drove my dad up to Kanawha Falls where the Glen Ferris Inn is located. We walked and I sang to him his favorite songs. It was a week well needed. I guess I could say this week was a learning week in more ways than one. I have come to the conclusion about my project. I need to continue the reading but jumpstart on the applying. I think I am being to cautious. I need to start laying some groundwork. I never really search a lot on the internet and I am finding myself getting sidetracked by the enormous amount of information. Before I know it I have literally been at my computer for three hours and still find myself in the same place. I will move forward tommorrow. ... Link |
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