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Monday, 29. July 2002
Week Seven
Well I was relieved to have some rain this week. My feelings on thunderstorms are that I used to love them they were so relaxing to listen to. Nowadays I have a neurotic 70 pound Bluetick coonhound that suddenly becomes a lapdog at the slightest sound of a thunder roll. It just takes the relaxation out of the whole experience. But I am thankful for rain this week because the restaurant where I work does not have a strong functional air conditioning unit. When it rains because the restaurant sits on the river it seems to cool things down. I can imagine I probably lose five pounds of water weight each night I work there. Anyways, on another note, I really have had a good week of putting things together on my project. I still cannot cut and paste into my weblog so I spend most of the beginning of the week typing into a microsoft works program and than copying it so I can read and type into my weblog. Its quite challenging but I'm not going to worry about the lengthy process anymore. Its too late into the class to figure that problem out. The process I use works for me now. I'm a little concerned about using some of the information that I have found. The reason I say this is by developing these genres a poem, an interview etc. I feel its exceptable to quote the information and cite it instead of reorganizing the information like I'm used to in doing a typical research paper. Am I completly wrong in thinking this way. I have found interviews pertaining directly to the issue I am defining in my project. I'm hoping by using these interviews to show examples caregiver reactions will compliment the project. My confusion came when I read other classmate interviews they seemed to be more fictional. I will change things if I have to but I haven't posed this question to the class list yet. Hopefully, I will remember to do that tommorrow. Other than that issue, I have done a lot of reading this week to make sure I cover the points I want to in my project. I'm hoping to take the upcoming week to take pictures at the nursing home to put in my powerpoint project and reorganize my webliography. I dont want to include the part of my dads story or the William Wordsworth quote in my webliography any longer. I started to do that in the beginning but I have rethought that move. Boy things just keep changing and changing. But the development of this project has been quite a learning experience. I have really enjoyed it. I have a lot to do this week because of my new found information and the artistic parts that I have included in my powerpoint project yet.
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