Sunday, 14. July 2002
Project Prospectus

My essential question is:

How does aphasia coupled by dementia affect the quality of communication and success of caregiving responsibilities between patients and their caregivers?

1. What is aphasia?

2. What is dementia?

3. How does aphasia affect adult communication in patients suffering from dementia?

4. What type of communication compensations can be taught to caregivers and patients with aphasia and dementia to make caregiving more positive and successful?

5. What part can Speech Therapists play in coordinating quality care plans for adults suffering from aphasia and dementia and their caregivers?

Tentative Point

Quality caregiver responses depend on the caregiver’s understanding of aphasia and dementia. This will reduce misinterpreting the illness which leads to overwhelmed caregiving responsibilities. Education and compensation strategies regarding communication will avoid inappropriate caregiver responses, which may exacerbate a patients already uncomfortable situation.

Webliography- Authors voice
Powerpoint - Speech Therapist voice
Poem - Caregiver voice
Interview transcript - Spouse Caregiver of the Client
Newsletter -
Editorial - Caregiver

These are not completely set in stone, with the exception of the powerpoint and the poem.

I hope to integrate the genres in a story I would like to include in my preface. I'm still trying to decide if this will be redundant because I am writing a story in my webliography also.


Resource: Eric
Keyword: Dementia
Coogle,Constance.L. (2002) The families who care project; meeting the educational needs of african american and rural family caregivers dealing with dementia. Educational Gerontology, 28 (1) 59-72. Retrieved July 13, 2002 Eric database.

Resource: Academic Search Elite
Keyword: Aphasia
Fedorov, Emilie M. (2001) Helping patients with aphasia. Journal of Nursing, 101 (1) 24-27. Retrieved July 13, 2002 Academic Search Elite database.

Resource: Academic Search Elite
Keyword: Aphasia
Sundin, Karin; Norberg, Astrid; Jansson, Lilian. (2001) The meaning of skilled care providers relationship with stroke and aphasia patients. Qualitative Health Research, 11 (3) 308-320. Retrieved July 13, 2002 Academic Search Elite.

Resource: Academic Search Elite
Keyword: Aphasia
Tranel, Daniel (2001) Combs, ducks, and the brain. Lancet, 357 (9271) 1818-1819. Retrieved July 13, 2002 Academic Search Elite database.

Resource: Academic Search Elite
Keyword: Aphasia
Zraick, RI; Boone, D.R. (1991) Spouses attitudes toward the person with aphasia. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 34 (1) 123-128. Retrieved July 13, 2002 Academic Search

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March 2025
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